UN Women

UN Women: Campaign and Social Media Design

UN Women: Campaign and Social Media Design
UN Women
Campaign and Social
Campaign and Social

The background

Working with MAGENTA - a company specialized in social and behavioral change - and their client UN Women Jordan, we designed and developed a logo and social media assets for an upcoming national advocacy campaign. The campaign aims to shed light on female employment in non-traditional sectors.

The challenge

Create a simple, yet timeless logo for a national campaign that is memorable and recognizable when printed on billboards or placed on social media assets.

UN Women: Campaign and Social Media Design

The solution

We provided a number of directions, some artsy, others more simple to the client to see which direction they wanted to go with. After much deliberation, we decided that a simple and straight to the point logo is more fitting for the theme of the national advocacy campaign. We went with a clean font and bright colours which help the logo to stand out.

The process

  • Receive brief and discuss general design direction with MAGENTA.
  • Provide 3-4 different logo directions.
  • Client chose a direction, which we then further elaborated on with 3-4 options.
  • Agree on final logo.
  • Provide 4 design directions for the social media assets.
  • Approved a direction and designed all social media assets.
  • Created an asset guideline for UN Women outlining main design elements of the social media assets.
UN Women: Campaign and Social Media Design
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