UNICEF: Report Layout & Design

UNICEF: Report Layout & Design

The background

In collaboration with Magenta - a company specialised in social and behavioural change - and their clients UNDP and UNICEF, we had the privilege of contributing to the design and layout of two sets of impactful reports.

The challenge

For the UNICEF reports, the project went beyond just traditional design. The reports were being developed for an Iraqi and Kurdish audience, so it was important for UNICEF that these reports incorporated cultural elements that would resonate with both sets of their target audience.

UNICEF: Report Layout & Design

The solution

Engaging in thorough research, we sought to understand and incorporate cultural graphic elements that would enhance the appeal of the reports while also resonating culturally with the intended readers. Through close collaboration with Magenta, we successfully designed a series of reports that merged Iraqi and Kurdish patterns and cultural elements.

This project reinforced our belief in the power of thoughtful design to bridge cultural gaps and convey information in a compelling and inclusive manner.

For the UNDP reports, the task at hand was pretty straight forward. UNDP had pre-existing templates that needed to be adapted to new country information and content. Our task here was to maintain the pre-existing branding, ensuring consistency with font styles, colors and design elements.

The process

  • Discuss with Magenta exactly what their clients (UNDP & UNICEF) wanted out of the designs
  • Conduct desk research on cultural elements that we could incorporate into the design of the reports
  • Consolidate research into a ‘Look and Feel’ document. This document included 2 different design options for fonts, colours and design elements.  
  • Adapted and agreed on the design route to be taken for the reports.
  • Create templates and input content.
UNICEF: Report Layout & Design
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