UNESCO: Newsletter Content & Design

UNESCO: Newsletter Content & Design
Newsletter Design
Newsletter Design

The background

Back in 2014, I was the Public Information Officer at UNESCO Iraq. At the time, our main office was based in Amman with field offices in Baghdad and Erbil.

The challenge

Having colleagues in three different locations added an extra challenge to streamlining information and coordination -  both internally amongst staff, and externally with implementing partners and stakeholders.

The solution

To circumvent these challenges, I initiated a bi-yearly newsletter to share relevant information, updates and engage with our stakeholders and target audience.

The process

  • Develop and design Arabic and English newsletter templates
  • Gather and consolidate information in the form of success stories, programme updates, achievements and announcements from different departments
  • Structure the content
  • Draft, edit and re-edit text
  • Collect and design visuals
  • Share with target audience
UNESCO: Newsletter Content & Design
UNESCO: Newsletter Content & Design
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